Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Caldonias at Dekum Manor 11/08

My friend Nate recently sent me a recording he made of my old band The Caldonias playing at Dekum Manor in November of 2008. It's pretty raw and rough around the edges but you can hear that everyone is having fun and it sums up what our shows were like most of the time. This is the only recording that exists of the band after Chris Sutton joined on second guitar, and I believe it was our last Portland show before we went on tour, fought, and broke up. We were only around for a year but it's my personal favorite of all the bands I've been in.
Here's a link to download the whole set:

I'm not sure how long it will be available or what the bandwidth situation is.

Here are some highlights.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday 2/22

A short one I recorded the other day.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gravity Well

Another recent instrumental.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

White Eyelash

As you can tell from other things I've posted, I'm really into repetitive, soundtrack-type instrumentals. I recorded this the other day after listening to Faust's "71 Minutes", and the first Kraftwerk album. I will not try and hide how badly I want to be German in the 70s. I actually have a white eyelash on my left eyelid that grows longer than the other ones. I have to pluck it every once in a while or it becomes noticeable. Strange.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

newer things

Here's a few tracks I recorded in the last month. I realize the audio is pretty terrible, I have very primitive means of getting anything off my four track and onto the computer. Hopefully I'll have better stuff at some point.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Post.

I started this blog as a way to post miscellaneous home recordings. This first group is kind of outdated, but I still like them enough. "Freakout no.1" was recorded by Ashley and I last year to be played in between songs at a Purple Rhinestone Eagle show. It didn't come off as well as we had hoped but I still stand by the track.
The other songs were recorded for two films by my good friend Bob Walles; "The Blackout", and "The Snake". The Blackout stuff was recorded two years ago, and The Snake was, I think, four years ago. I will post some more recent material soon.

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